Thursday, October 25, 2012

Where Would You Most Like To Go Today If You Could?

If I could go anywhere for just today I would go to the spa, even though the week has not ended yet it’s been a very long week for me. School has me stressed out, searching for colleges are a burden, babysitting my sisters is a handful and I’m still trying to keep up my social life. It’s hard trying to manage more than one thing in your life without dropping one. I can’t drop school because my mom would kill me. I can’t stop looking for the right college because I need to start somewhere or I’ll just graduate and still be at home. I can’t stop babysitting my sisters because there’s no one else to do it but me. I definitely can’t drop my social life because I would lose myself I get a few hours of enjoyment out of my week so if I lose that I’ll have nothing. So a spa day would feel like heaven to me, I’m sure that it would be peaceful and relaxing. I just want to be pampered; I want to have someone cater to me instead of me caring for everyone. Having just one day at the spa would be one of the best days of my life. There would be no stress from school, no searching for colleges, no babysitting, and no social life just me, myself and I.

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