Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Husbands and Wives

Two broken hearts lonely looking houses
Where nobody lives
Two people each having so much pride inside
Neither side forgives
Angry words spoken in haste
Such a waste of two lives
Its my belief
Pride is the chief cause in the decline
In the number of husbands and wives
A woman and a man
A man and a woman
Some can and some can't and some can't…

-Neil Diamond

  • The poem "Husbands and Wives" is about a couple being in a troubled relationship. It explains how people could be so caught up in trying to be right that they dont try to make the situation better. It also states how a person could have some much pride that they lose themselves and lose each other and in the end its a lose-lose situation.
  •  The thing that caught my attention in this poem is when the writer says "two people with so much pride inside, neither side forgives". This caught my attention because it is so true. So many people focus so much on the bad things in a relationship insted of cherishing the good moments.
  • I can relate to this poem because I'm in a relationship now where we argue and half the time the argument could've been prevented but we're so caught up in being the right one instead of the reasonable one or the one thats willing to be wrong to make things right. In my relationship pride plays a big part and its the evil part of our relationship that we cant get rid of. Like my relationship there are some people that can overcome pride then there are some who let it ruin them.

1 comment:

  1. this poem is true because its hard for couples to express how they feel about the other person or how they just feel in life...... this is a good poem
