Thursday, October 25, 2012

How Have You Changed Since Last Year?

A way I’ve changed since last year is being more social. Last year I kept to myself a lot, instead of staying with my friends after school I would go straight home to do nothing and when people invited me places I never went. I was so anti-social because at some point I didn’t think I would fit in. I waited all the way until my fourth year in high school to notice I had good friends that accepted me and wanted to be around me. I also feel that I started to have more school spirit this year. I joined the cheerleading team, went to the homecoming game and also represented Curie at pep rally. In my previous years I was a “nobody” in school my teachers couldn’t even remember who I was because I was so quiet and I just went with the flow. This year I could walk in the hallway and see my teachers and they’re always smiling and saying hello. A lot of people are saying I finally came out of my shell and I think it’s because I have so many people around me that appreciate me and I just had to start noticing it myself.

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