Thursday, October 25, 2012

How Are You Friendly or Unfriendly? What Seems To Make The Difference In The Way You Act?

I’m friendly when I’m around positive people. I believe that when the people around you are positive it makes you want to be positive. I’m also friendly around goofy people because I can be really goofy at times. I like to have fun so I like people who like to have fun. I attract interesting people that are friendly and like to do fun things without negative energy. When I have food I’m friendly too because I love to eat. If you give me good food I’ll become your best friend because food is like the key to my heart. The only time that I become unfriendly is when I’m around people that are negative or have attitudes all the time. I know that everyone has bad days but you shouldn’t let everyday be a bad one. I live by the philosophy that life is too short so you might as well live it. I must admit that I do have a attitude problem though. It could be the littlest thing that just turns my on button off because I have a short temper and low tolerance for some people. I could be the nicest person but if you do something that I feel is wrong I turn into a different person. The main things that make me change my whole demeanor is when someone tells a lie or dislikes me for no reason.  Throughout my life I’ve had to deal with that so many times that I have no tolerance for it. I feel that a liar is a cheater and a cheater is a thief and I just don’t like people like that in my presence. I also hate when a person dislikes me for no reason. I don’t understand how someone could dislike another person when they haven’t even got a chance to actually know the person but that happens frequently in my life.


  1. love the quote from Eminem and the pictures because Im short and proud to ha!

  2. ha you are a dork. saying food is the key to your heart made me crack up because im here munching out on some chips and a rice krispie. but who doesnt like food
