Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous?

One thing I’ve always wanted to be since I was a little girl is famous, but the only difference from then and now is that I’ve learned the advantages and disadvantages of being famous. One of the advantages would be being known, knowing that everyone knows your name, knows your face and want to know everything about you is the greatest feeling to me. Another thing is being an inspiration to others. To inspire someone and having people say they want to be like you, dress like you and do the things you do makes you want to strive harder for perfection because you don’t want to let people down because they are counting on you. Lastly is being able to buy new things. Being to buy your family and friends things and go on shopping sprees without having a budget is something I would love looking forward to because I don’t ever want to want for anything and I would hate for my family and friends to want for something when I can get it. The disadvantages of being famous would have to be the rumors. Even when you’re doing good and being positive people always try to find the littlest things bad about you or make up lies about you to give you a bad image. Another thing would be trying not to get old. By being old I don’t mean in age I mean trying not to get to the point when people get tired of seeing you or hearing you. If I ever get famous I want people to always want more of me I don’t want to fade out of the spotlight.

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